Other Pioneers
Medically, India is one of the world's hotspots, with medical care being provided at very competitive rates while not sacrificing on quality and efficiency, and keeping with the worlds most top of the line technologies. Medical Tourism is booming as an industry in India (Economic Times). Why then, should there be such attention drawn to the state of medicine in India?
The concept behind Dekhon is a proven success. Over the past decades, eye-care in India has been receiving more recognition by means of the setup of very meticulous, exhaustive and successful systems. Where these systems exist, the ratio of blind to seeing individuals has been altered dramatically in the direction of sight. The quality and affordability of this care has been otherwise unheard-of in India. She has some of the best medical facilities in the world, but most of India's eye hospitals are focused in densely populated urban areas of the country while the rural sector goes un-serviced. More than half of the Indian population is not able to access quality medical care, let alone eye-care.
Dekhon seeks to expand the reach of such care even further, with its own network. The network will be in a location that has never seen such a system - thus Dekhon's ultimate goal is to be that system which people can rely upon to receive the eye care they need and deserve, and to do so in an affordable way - never sacrificing on quality or equality of treatment.
The Drishti Eye Care Hospital Network draws inspiration from already existing systems of eye care, many of which are concentrated in the southern half of the subcontinent. The most influential of these are:
Sankara Nethralaya, with its headquarters in Chennai, Tamil Nadu
LV Prasad Eye Institute, operating out of Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
Aravind Eye Care System, based out of Madurai, Tamil Nadu
These systems are at the forefront of innovation in the field of ophthalmology and the struggle to make quality and affordable eye care available to all. Where set up, these systems have been extremely effective. Maharashtra, however, is untouched by these systems. It is Dekhon's goal to ensure that the people of this state can access such care.