
Dekhon's plan, a long term investment in the medical future of Maharashtra, will be executed starting in 2012, over the course of the following 5 to 10 years. As the population of India both grows and ages, the need for eye care becomes greater than ever. Dekhon seeks to adequately combat this trend in Maharashtra by setting up permanent infrastructure in phases.

Illustration of the Dekhon Network


 One of the top eye donors over the past few years, Washim's Dekhon Centre is the project's first established center, in operation since March 23rd, 2012. An ideal place to start due to the city's general awareness about eye issues, the Washim center has been a resounding success, serving over 15,000 new patients during its first year. In the areas surrounding however, the scene is quite different. Dekhon has established its DC here first and will establish Vision Centres around Washim to help spread awareness and reach out to people going forward. 


Located close to the border of Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh, Malkapur is a hub for seed and textile processing in the state. It is the second of the "First Three" Clusters and is a relatively industrial city in the midst of an under-serviced rural sector. Dekhon is eyeing the city for its high potential patient flow, as well as providing a strong base of outreach operations in the area.



The city of Basmath, in the neighboring district of Parbhani, is the last of Dekhon's "First Three" - the pilot script for the rest of the project. This pilot was formulated based on geographic and demographic considerations, and the locations are a depiction of what Dekhon can become in the next two to three years. Similar to Washim, the Basmath Cluster will cater to a 200 km diameter. Primarily due to its proximity to the cities of Parbhani and Nanded, Basmath sees high traffic from the surrounding rural areas, making the impact of a DC there even greater.



A fertile and remote area, Yavatmal is home to one of the highest rate of farmer suicides in India. Though various factors go into that statistic, one situation can surely be improved - the state of medical care. The plan here would be to set up Yavatmal as a Dekhon Centre, and set up a system of camps, screenings, Vision Centres and local Guardians to reduce the burden of blindness and eye complications in the district.